AAS |Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer | Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

The AA 500FG Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is available in the following configuration :

  • Flame Only
  • Graphite Furnace
  • Combined Flame and Graphite Furnace with the option for up to nine heating ramps.


The system is fully controlled from a PC with AAWin Software.

Specifications :

Wavelength range                        190nm - 900nm

Monochromator                            Czerny-Turner Configuration

Spectral Bandwidth                      0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0nm

Wavelength Accuracy                  ± 0.15nm

Wavelength Reproducibility         < 0.05nm

Resolution                                      0.2nm ± 0.02nm

Baseline Stability                          0.005A/30min

Sensitivity (Cu)                              2 µg/ml Absorption > 0.28A (flame)

Detection Limit                              Cu < 0.004ug/ml (flame) Cd < 0.4 x 10-12g (graphite furnace)

Repeatability                                   Cu < 0.7% (Air/Acetylene flame), Ba < 1.0% ( Nitrous oxide/Acetylene flame), Cu < 2.0% Cd < 2.0% (Graphite Furnace)

Background Correction                 Deuterium Arc, Self reversal

Characteristic Concentration       Cu < 0.02 ug/ml, Ba < 0.15 mg/ml (N2O/Acetylene)

Burner Heads                                  Titanium Alloy

Nebuliser                                          High-efficiency glass, Acid proof available as an option

Atomization Chamber                    Corrosion-resistant material

Position Adjustment                       Automatic changeover (AA500GF) Manual (AA500F)
Automatic Setting of Optimum Height for Flame Burner.

Safety Functions                              Burner Identification, Flame Sensor, Gas leak Senso





Balance Prod.

Scale Prod.

Measuring Inst.

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