Railway Scale | Timbangan Mobil | Jembatan Timbang Cardinal

The Rail Hugger is engineered to give you the most advanced alternative to today's railroad track scales. The low-profile scale adapts to (or will be custom-made for) any combination of car lengths.

Because it is mounted above ground in a shallow, concrete foundation, there is no worry about shifting ballast resulting in weight errors. As a result, maintenance is minimized and precious track time is rarely interrupted. That translates into money saved.

Various types of weight displays and printers are available to complete your railroad scale. They include: simple or complex electronic weight displays and printers, scoreboard readouts, traffic controls and other custom weighing systems.

With the Rail Hugger, installation is rapid and simple, allowing you to get back on track fast. Weighbridge sections arrive assembled, ready to set in, and Cardinal's load cell assemblies are easy to install, just drop them in place and level. Installation can be handled locally and usually requires only about two days.


Model Gross Ton Capacity Platform Size Ton Capacity Cell Capacity Cooper Rating AREA Ship Weight
13-80LPRA-120 100 13' 100 4 @ 120k E-80 12,400 lb
1313-80LPRA-120 200 13' & 13' 100 8 @ 120k E-80 25,250 lb
26-80LPRA-120 200 26' 100 6 @ 120k E-80 20,800 lb
1326-80LPRA-120 200 13' & 26' 100 10 @ 120k E-80 33,700 lb
2626-80LPRA-120 200 26' & 26' 100 12 @ 120k E-80 42,100 lb
13-80LPRA-200 180 13' 180 4 @ 200k E-80 12,400 lb
1313-80LPRA-200 270 13' & 13' 180 8 @ 200k E-80 25,500 lb
26-80LPRA-200 270 26' 180 6 @ 200k E-80 20,800 lb
1326-80LPRA-200 270 13' x 26' 180 10 @ 200k E-80 33,700 lb
2626-80LPRA-200 270 26' x 26' 180 12 @ 200k E-80 42,100 lb

Balance Prod.

Scale Prod.

Measuring Inst.

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