Force Gauges | Force Gauge | Force Gsuge SAUTER FL Series


Digital force gauge SAUTER FL Series  , premium force measuring instrument with graphic-assisted display.


Range  :  5 N - 2500 N
Readout  :  0.002 N - 1 N
Function set to limits : Programmable hihg/low set points, light and sound signal.
Data output RS 232 serial PC interface for convenient PC software with print function.
Fast/slow response time
Power  batteries 6 x 1.5 V
Large LCD display with baclight, reverse display possible.
Multiple Unit selection  :  N, KN, kgf, ozf, lbf.
Optional  Windows Software compatible, features sophisticated tools for data analysis, data memory and data processing.
Net weight approx. 0,5kg
Overall dimensions WxDxH 215x90x43mm

Balance Prod.

Scale Prod.

Measuring Inst.

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