Gas Chromatography | GC MS- 650 | GC


The excellent performance of Gas Chromatograph GC MS 650 is the result of its unique specifications : the pneumatics with a higher accuracy A/D converter and a superb low inertia, fast heating and cooling, high precision oven +/- 0.1°C displayed, the Cold septum purgeless injector, along with a full range of detectors with fast electrometers. The state of the art- electronic, based on FPGAs nad micro embedded PCs, have allow total diagnosnics and remote control of the systems via internet and simple TCP/IP protocols.

1. Electronics  : It incorporates FPGA of the latest generation and builit-in web server.that allow full remote control through internet and TCP/IP communication.

2. User friendly interface : based on Touch Screen TFT with 262144 colors/pixel and interactive programming based on menu driven windows.

3. Cold Septum Purgeless Injection Technology : The guarantee of sample intergrity, no discrimination of volatiles and high boilers.

4. Maximum versatility : up to 3 injectors and 3 detectors can be installed and operate simultaneously.

5. Pneumatics : EPC with excellent pressure resolution and range.

6. Low Thermal Inertia Oven : Fast cooling and heating with +/- 0.1 °C accuracy display.

7. Full range detectors : excellent sensitivity and linearity ranges FID, TCD, ECD, NPD & MS.



Balance Prod.

Scale Prod.

Measuring Inst.

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