NDA 701 Dumas Nitrogen/Protein Analyzer | Dumas Nitrogen Protein Analyzer


The new and completely innovative step forward nitrogen determination by VELP Scientifica, is now able to offer different solutions for nitrogen determination, from the standard Kjeldahl method to the flash of Dumas combustion. In accordance with the Dumas method, NDA 701 is ideal for high throughput, being fully automatic and requiring 3-4 minutes per an

Method of analysis Dumas method / Combustion
Detector Innovatice autocalibrating TCD ( no need for a referance gas )
Sample weight Up to 1 g
Autosampler capacity Up to 4 discs, 30 position each.
Reproducibility (RSD) <0.5% for EDTA standard approx. 100 mg (9.57% N)
Recovery > 99.5%
Detection range 0.1 - 200 mg N
Detection limit 0.003 mg N absolute

Combustion Temp.                  1030 °C / 1886 °°F

Helium (He)                                 purity 99.999% (grade 5.0)

Oxygen (O²)                                  purity 99.999% (grade 5.0)

Helium (He) pressure               2 bar

Oxygen (O²) pressure                2.5 bar




Balance Prod.

Scale Prod.

Measuring Inst.

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