The E 8500 is the most powerful and advanced portable gas analyzer on the market and is a complete, portable tool for EPA compliance -level emissions monitoring.
Up to 9 Gas Sensors: |
O 2 , CO, NO, NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S (Electrochemical) |
CO 2 , C x H y , High CO (NDIR) |
“True” NO x Measurements |
Built–in Thermoelectric Chiller with Automatic Condensate Removal |
Wireless Remote Printer |
Draft & Differential Pressure Measurement |
Two Channel Thermometer (for stack gas & air temperature) |
Software for Real–Time Data Logging, Graphing, and Reporting |
Wireless Communications with Computer & other Windows Devices |
CO Dilution Auto–Range for Measurements up to 20,000ppm |
Long–Term Monitoring and Data Logging with Internal Memory |
Heated Sample Line optional |
Gas Velocity Measurements with Pitot Tube |
CO2%, Efficiency, & Excess Air Calculations |
Rotating LCD Display |
Light Weight, Durable, & Easy to Transport Design |